Michael Izuchukwu

Dimensional Limitation Theorist & Behavioral Scientist

Eastern Virginia Medical School (2016-2019), Seton Hall University (2012-2015), Rice University (2008-2010)


South Orange, NJ 

THOUGHTS OF THE PRINCE, OF DARKNESS (izthewhiz32.blogspot.com)

Initiated September 2022

Tina Munjal (@tina_munjal) / Twitter

Charlie Dai (@Charlie_S_Dai) / Twitter

Dr. Thea Kozakis 🌅 (@theakozakis) / Twitter


Michael Izuchukwu (@11TJK11) / Twitter 


[ Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz311) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos ]



Regarding URL addresses (websites), read the following link... to access them, via a cell phone's internet browser:

How to Copy and Paste on an iPhone (lifewire.com)

[visit an internet browser such as 'Google Chrome,' on a cell phone... and via the URL address bar ('at the top')... enter 'www.bloggertwittermci1.blogspot.com'... to interact with the posted URL addresses, cellularly]

10:26 AM (10/23/22):
(peppered carrots, as of 9:54 AM... today)

8:09 AM (10/23/22):
"In the context of life in the year 2022, as opposed to in the 1800's... the ability to comprehend 'higher dimensions,' in the year 0 A.D. ...likely would have required a 'tremendous imagination'... There were no formal schools of thought, back then... but every hundred years or so, there is at least someone who emerges into this world... as an 'intellectual revolutionary'..." - Michael Izuchukwu 
Calculus was invented in the year 1665, by Isaac Newton...
Notable individuals: Moses, Jesus Christ, Albert Einstein, Johann Sebastian Bach, Solomon Northup & Christopher Columbus
As of 10:32 AM on 10/23/22, the 'voice acting audio (pitch)' sounded slightly different in this video, than in the 'original version'...
Johann Sebastian Bach (born March 31, 1685): Johann Sebastian Bach-Air on G String - YouTube
Solomon Northup (born July 1808): 12 Years A Slave Brad Pitt Scene (1080p) - YouTube
NOTE: Columbus and his crew, landed in the Americas... in 1492, but 'the United States of America' was not founded... until 1776 (284 years later)...
(Pocahontas and John Smith, met in 1607... 115 years after Christopher Columbus landed, in 'the Americas')

8:01 AM (10/23/22): 
Contact - End Credits - YouTube
"Peaceful song, that I was just listening to..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

10:39 PM (10/22/22):
"I recall watching this scene, at the Extended Stay America hotel (in Elizabeth, NJ)... in October 2020... I suspected the brunette was not who she appeared to be (and was a 'body snatcher'), based off how her and the blonde... interacted..." - Michael Izuchukwu
My inference was that the blonde was trying to be 'on her best behavior'... as a means, of not setting off... any alarms...
(when the scene is started at 0:48 as opposed to 0:38, 'spiritual discernment' is easier)

10:21 PM (10/22/22):
"To do that which has never been done before, one must be willing to make great sacrifices... ...particularly, those which are time-consuming or tasking, in order to reach a threshold... and cross over, to 'another side'..." - Michael Izuchukwu 
('Awards Night' at Lafayette Senior High School, in 2008 - I had been a National Merit Finalist)
Sometimes, one has to delay gratification... to endure, certain trials and tribulations...

10:17 PM (10/22/22):
"I read this article, and I wonder about the moon... but Mars is of greater interest..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Those who dream by day, are cognizant of many things... which escape those, who dream only... by night..." - Edgar Allan Poe

6:37 PM (10/22/22): 
"Interesting TV series trailer; I was reminded of the movie 'I am number 4'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

6:28 PM (10/22/22):
"Many years of schooling, are needed... for certain specializations, in life... Some are more rewarding than others, but there are different types... of dividends..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Meet The Doc: Bradley Stephens, MD, MPH - YouTube

6:17 PM (10/22/22):
"The collegiate experience has different implications, for individuals... based off what they do, with such... A degree is usually an effective, standardized tool... for assessing familiarity, with coursework (subject material)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

5:54 PM (10/22/22):
(eleven peppered carrots, as of 5:45 PM... today)

5:16 PM (10/22/22):
"Life advice, from a dude who does not seem to take such... for granted... and seemingly is attempting to capitalize, on time's flow..." - Michael Izuchukwu

4:48 PM (10/22/22):
"Interesting article, of a 'very frugal' woman... There is a trade-off for what one does in life, in the context of 'work-life' balance... ...and one's spiritual, mental and physical fortification..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Working 'for the spirit,' is different... than 'working for the world,' but the former takes precedence... regarding 'significance'...

4:37 PM (10/22/22):
(seeded burger bun halves, with a ketchup-topped burger patty... at 3:16 PM, on 10/22/22)

4:33 PM (10/22/22):
"Interesting article, regarding the title..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:41 PM (10/20/22):
"People change over time, in the context of the spirit, mind and body (progression is inevitable, but such is either positive or negative... in the context, of these variables)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"Interesting video of the New York Public library (in New York City), which I have an interest... in visiting..." - Michael Izuchukwu

2:14 PM (10/20/22):
"Interesting bridge cross, under the cover of darkness (such reminds me of one that is along the way, to Virginia Beach, VA... when journeying from the Tri-state area)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:43 PM (10/20/22):
(peppered ham and carrots, from 12:25 PM... today)

10:59 AM (10/20/22):
"...'Young life crisis,' it seems..." - Michael Izuchukwu

10:19 AM (10/20/22):
"...perhaps the observation of the prior post, is an indication of a certain 'physiological efficiency'... regarding homeostasis ('internal workings')..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=472524014845480&set=a.106538111444074)

10:09 AM (10/20/22):
(a photo of my excrement, from 8:55 AM... today. Somehow, the 'featured corn' from yesterday's 'Chipotle burrito'... was still 'intact,' after passing through my 'digestive tract'... so I wonder what this signifies)

10:02 AM (10/20/22):
(Chicken burrito bowl, 'in a bowl'... as of 2:13 PM... yesterday)



I noticed as of '12:40 PM,' on 10/15/22... that some 'dumbfuck (s)'... is/are preventing me from adding a URL link, to this Instagram account of mine (cellularly). Problem should be fixed, for 'site integrity'...

...I have reached the conclusion, that the basis for this 'detection'... is that there are 'those out there,' who lack the aesthetic appreciation, maturity and intellect... required, to comprehend the intricacy... of this account... Thus, such (particularly) will be set to private... indefinitely...

(preview of this account - begun at 5:22 PM, on 10/12/20, and ended at 12:47 PM... on 6/10/22)

[I noticed a restoration of the 'displayed URL address (which had been posted)' as of 2:56 PM, on 10/15/22]

(involuntary removal, of the URL address... which had been subject to 'restored viewership'... as of 2:56 PM, on 10/15/22)
4:35 PM (10/15/22): "I will now be 'ignoring' this issue, due to 'perceived' incompetence..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"I believe I saw this film twice in theatres, when such was released in 2013... Some movies have greater impact on one's life, than others... regarding inspiration... even though they may get ratings, which obscure the nature... of such (I saw the movie twice, then... for a reason - 'the words of wisdom')..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Personally, I think this is the best 'Superman movie trailer'... which has been aired...

6:00 AM (9/24/22):
"I filmed the following video, 812 days ('26 months & 20 days,' or 116 weeks) ago... Arguably, my insights on the story of Jesus Christ... have strengthened, since then... ...as well as the applicability of His message and teachings, to my life..." - Michael Izuchukwu

12:53 PM (9/23/22):
"One should think of one's life, as a chess game. ...the goal is to make the right moves, and win... ...ask yourself, what does it mean... to win (such)...?" - Michael Izuchukwu
Me At 29 - YouTube (an interesting perspective, on 'life documentation')

I can think of only '4' people who have won the game (of life)... and that is Enoch, Elijah, Moses... and Jesus Christ... from the bible... ...given that they 'won favor,' with God (and at least '3' of these 4, had 'expedited' entry... to heaven, via varying means)...

7:22 AM (9/23/22):

7:08 AM (9/23/22):
"Mathematics is a universal language, with many real-life applications... Knowledge is power, but power... does not necessarily entail knowledge... ...this implies, there are 'different types,' of power (some more distinct, than others)..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Gauss Prize: Elliott H. Lieb - YouTube

7:02 AM (9/23/22):
"Some 'strategic' advice, by a woman... although, such seems 'self-serving'... and potentially disingenuous..." - Michael Izuchukwu


"Agreed..." - Walking Woman

"Why is this so, Walking Woman...?" - Michael Izuchukwu

"...because the cosmos is vast..." - Walking Woman


6:47 AM (9/23/22): "Nostalgic song, that is quite cathartic..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Hazy - Cosmos - YouTube


Fish fillet & spinach (4:05 PM, on 8/24/22)

3:10 PM (9/8/22):
"Tragic news... Perhaps she had heard of the passing, of Frank Drake... 6 days, before her own..." - Michael Izuchukwu
5:08 PM (9/8/22):
[age progression of Queen Elizabeth II, over the past 70 years (age 26 to 96)]

Queen Elizabeth II dies at age 96 - YouTube (interesting Nelson Mandela cameo appearance, at 8:20-8:23)

It takes light from the sun, approximately 8 minutes & 20 seconds ('500 seconds')... to reach Earth (499 seconds, specifically)


7:43 AM (9/7/22):

“I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life... No one comes to the Father, except through me...” – John 14:6 (according to Jesus Christ)

"That statement consists of 3 components/variables, and I have speculated that given Jesus Christ was all three of them... it's possible for one who believes in Him... to become spiritually fortified enough, to be 'the Way'... but that would likely imply, one has given some demonstration... that he/she is of the spirit (by some means of being 'living proof,' or that his/her works... are 'self-evident'... ...and that the realm of such, is real)... I do not believe a 'follower' of Jesus Christ, can attain all '3' components... To do such, would likely require one to get everyone to heaven... in the aftermath, of being 'left behind'... after the Rapture... ...which is 'essentially impossible,' given that 'with God'... 'all thingss, are possible'... and 'without Him'... 'none' are... 

...if someone was the 'Way' and the 'Truth'... then he/she likely has done a miracle of some kind, or proven that a myriad of aspects, within the bible (reflective of Jesus Christ's message and testimony)... are authentic..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:37 AM (9/7/22):

"Inspiring video... such gave me the impression that Jesus Christ was 'a boss'... and He had the vibe of, 'you know I ain't coming back'... in the context, of how Jesus Resurrected... 3 days after His Crucifixion, and was among 11 (of 12) of His remaining apostles/disciples... before departing to heaven (via an ascent)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz299) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos (0:18-0:28...) see: '0:25'


6:50 AM (9/7/22):

Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz299) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos


Tyler Perry's Temptation (2013) - 'Attracted' - YouTube


Khaby Lame, The Most-Followed TikToker In The World, Reportedly Earned $10M In 2021 (msn.com)


Michael Izuchukwu (WHIZ777) - Profile | Pinterest


6:23 AM (9/7/22): 

Mark Zuckerberg doesn't like your scrolling habits: Social media is for 'building relationships,' not just consuming content (msn.com)

"What percent of one's Facebook friends, does one typically talk to... on a regular basis...?

...a Facebook friend list, could be thought of as a house that one enters... and such is quiet, unless there is conversation... given the nature of 'change over time'... and the many variables, that refine people's lives... Furthermore, a Facebook profile picture... may not be reflective of what someone looks like, if such is 'significantly outdated'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:13 AM (9/7/22):

(a Trattoria pizza slice, from 1:24 PM... on 6/4/22... There are many types of pizza)

Jurassic Park - Lunch - Great Scenes - YouTube 


6:08 AM (9/7/22):

Jurassic Park (1993) - Welcome to Jurassic Park Scene (1/10) | Movieclips - YouTube

"Great music, to start the day to... Everyday, is a new adventure..." - Michael Izuchukwu


6:02 AM (9/7/22):


"There are many fish in the sea... ...different sizes, shapes and tastes..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:52 AM (9/7/22)


"A peaceful, classical composition... that I recently encountered: 'Twilight (Crepuscule),' by Amelita Galli-Curci


"Imagination is more important, than knowledge..." - Albert Einstein

"Knowledge is power, but imagination... is significance..." - Michael Izuchukwu

If you have questions, you can reach me at: izzlemicolo5@yahoo.com 

(Stewie Griffin, from the animated TV series 'Family Guy')

6:29 PM (9/6/22): "One could think of me as relating to Stewie Griffin, in the context of understanding the significance of familial relations... In a way, I feel as though I may be relating to something... in a fashion, that is similar to the way he relates... to the teddy bear, in his backpack...
...I personally relate to the 'Family Guy' by identiying as a 'family man'... and yet, in the context of my present familial dynamics... it would seem as though such is 'nonexistent,' in the context of 'quality and routine'... conversational exchanges, amongst 'varying' individuals (on my mom's and dad's side)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


5:59 PM (9/6/22):
"I just finished a call with my mom, moments ago... Since February 2020, I have been asking her to give me my passport... and she has made excuses for not retrieving such, ever since then. Now she is attempting to ignore my requests, with the excuse that such will soon expire... I told her that I am grown man, and that if she believes in God (Jesus Christ, who was crucified at age 33)... then start treating me like a grown man (I will be 33 on 11/2/22)... and realize that her hypocrisy and emotional apathy, accounts for her lack of understanding... that 'things change, over time'... and that she is to blame, for not being up to speed... with my status quo, regarding my 'personality development, life outlook and social tendencies'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


1:06 PM (9/10/22): "I had a 28 minute & 53 second phone call, with my mom... moments ago... The consensus was that she is pretending that my middle brother, JJ, is absolved of his prior trangressions... regarding 'law enforcement'... and thus, to mask what he did on 12/20/16... she consistently says, 'if only you would listen' to me... in conversations that we have. Her 'transference' is irrational, and I consistently tell her not to be hypocritical... and to remember the fallacies she has had, in prior talks... with her... After asking her why she married my dad, she couldn't give a coherent answer... I told her that she ought to have divorced him, 6 years or so... after we had moved to Missouri (rather than waiting at least twice that length of time)... My dad was emotionally and psychologically abusive, and was in need of a 5th heart surgery... as of the eve of his death (on 10/8/20)... ...yet, she did not give a damn about him... and if anything, the basis for why my mom married my dad... was 'strictly monetary (there was no genuine love)'... When I conveyed this to her, she quickly said, 'ok, good bye'... and hung up...

...afterwards, I called her a 'dumb negro'... under my breath..." - Michael Izuchukwu


(Maryam Mirzakhani, in front of a chalkboard)

6:18 PM (9/6/22):
In my mom's car, heading to McDonald's (East Orange, NJ - 12:47 PM, on 4/6/22) - YouTube
"Looking back, 5 months ago... I feel as though I ought to have asked my mom... why she married, this man...:
('dad,' from summer 2014)
...in the context of my dad becoming deceased, on 10/8/20 [see: About | Michael Izuchukwu (izzlemicolo5.wixsite.com)]... and my mom being a hypocritical, emotionally apathetic and ethically incorrect... individual (who doesn't want me to see where she lives)... I have concluded that in a sense, it's like my '2' parents... have been disqualified, for that role... Imagine trying to find a 'significant other'... and having no parents, to relate 'her' to... genuinely..." - Michael Izuchukwu

I presently don't have any offspring, but in retrospect... I don't think my dad was the kind of person, who could have aided in the raising... of any I could consider having. He didn't even know how to relate to 'his own (in the context of his extensive history of emotional and psychological abuse, to his family members)'... and he would have been 'alien-like'... if it came down to getting 'financial assistance' from him, for such a matter. (given the way he related, to his luxury cars - Mercedes Benz, Range Rover and a 'confiscated' BMW).. I suspect that given he was a 'divorced man,' he likely would have harbored insecurities... if I told him I was 'getting married'... and such happened to be to an 'attractive female'... who was not characteristic, of what he himself... may have gone for, as a younger man...
7:31 PM (9/6/22): 
"Imagine if I were on the show 'The Bachelor' or 'The Bachelorette'... and I made it to the 'meet the parents' round... and then my dad was shown, stating (as non sequitur), 'This is Dr. John Izuchukwu...' ...Such was the 'voicemail' to his phone number of 314-683-7223, the last time I checked such... when he had been alive..." - Michael Izuchukwu
"Who is that other dude...?" - John Izuchukwu (dad)

"That's you, dad, from a different point in 'time'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

[my dad on the right, accompanied by another man... via a file that had been on his laptop (1 of 2, that were in his office), labeled 'Austin uniform'... I hypothesized that he had been in Austin, TX]


4:41 PM (9/6/22):

"I first became interested in the cosmos, at the age of 6... when I was given a science book, on the solar system (I believe there were 9 planets, at the time... but Pluto was demoted, and now there are 8)... Arguably, my passion for understanding the universe... is as great, as such was then (if not, distinctly greater)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Pluto is demoted - HISTORY 


Fields Medal: Maryna Viazovska - YouTube

"In dimensions 8 & 24, the bounds approximated the density... of the packing, regarding Maryna Viazovska's insight..." - Michael Izuchukwu, 2:40 AM, 7/10/22


1*Br_EmXZ-p1z8wQ67YyJyvw.jpeg (1023×1141) (medium.com)

see: Michael Izuchukwu (@Michael20983136) / Twitter


(some okra and 'caramelized onions'... improvised with carrots, as of 3:55 PM... on 9/6/22... I acquired the first 2 foods, from the NJ Gourmet buffet)



Sad news... Frank Drake was a SETI astronomer, famous for his development... of the 'Drake Equation'... which was devised, to gauge the number of extraterrestrial civilizations, that may be within our Milky Way galaxy. ...I just learned, of his passing..." - Michael Izuchukwu



Frank Drake has passed away but his equation for alien intelligence is more important than ever (theconversation.com)


RIP Frank Drake, pioneering astronomer, astrophysicist and creator of the Drake Equation (dailykos.com)


"Soothing song ('Levitation'), by Beach House..." - Michael Izuchukwu


2. Asking People “Do You Think You’re Going To Heaven ” - YouTube

"If you don't 'genuinely' believe in God, then if there is a heaven ('which there is')... you won't gain entry..." - Michael Izuchukwu

1. Noah/Best scene/Darren Aronofsky/Russell Crowe/Anthony Hopkins/Methuselah/Gavin Casalegno/Shem - YouTube

“Thus all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty-five years. Enoch walked with God; then he was no more… because God took him…” – Genesis 5:23-24

"I suppose it was because Enoch abided in the ways of the spirit, that he was eventually whisked away... by God..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(see top for 'followed')

Beach House Full Set | Live at Kings Theatre | Pitchfork - YouTube (26:01-27:50) 

